News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Striking FE lecturers who worry about abandoning their students 0 guardian
Fifa defend referee’s performance in Brazil v Croatia match 0 guardian
Baghdad faces the abyss after its military melts away 0 guardian
NI police ombudsman wins right to challenge over 'obstruction' 0 bbc
Donald Trump skyscraper sign 'tasteless' 2 bbc
'Extraordinary' Essex ex-council house for sale 0 bbc
Middle East Twitter Q&A: John Simpson answers your questions 1 bbc
Littleport bees break boiler by building hive inside 1 bbc
A computer has passed the Turing test for humanity – should we be worried? 0 guardian
Minister Anna Soubry breaks up cafe brawl 1 bbc
NI21 'to take no action, over Basil McCrea allegations 1 bbc
Abdullah Abdullah Moves Toward Center of Afghan Power 3 nytimes
Famous French bear Balou found dead in Pyrenees 3 guardian
Senior Labour party figures hit out at Ed Miliband’s ‘Sun’ stunt 0 independent
Trussel Trust row: Food-bank vouchers ‘altered after closure threat was made’ 0 independent
Arab refugees grateful for sanctuary offered by Kurds in Kirkuk – for now 0 guardian