News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iraq faces the abyss after its military melts away 1 guardian
House GOP conservative Raul Labrador in long-shot leadership bid 0 guardian
Mexico’s disallowed goals add to World Cup’s incompetent officiating 0 guardian
World Cup fan with 300 England flags on house: 'I hate racism and the BNP' 0 guardian
Cancer test delays are putting lives at risk, experts warn 0 guardian
Israelis launch search around Hebron after three teenage settlers go missing 1 guardian
Iraq conflict: Sistani issues Shia call to arms 9 bbc
Rubbish futures: can technology help us reach zero waste? 1 guardian
World Cup 2014: England and Italy Prepare to Play in Manaus 1 nytimes
Basil McCrea allegations: Confusion over report into NI21 'sex claims' 3 bbc
Government accused of 'underhand tactics' in prison management 0 guardian
Rod Liddle interview: 'I'm not a bigot' 0 guardian
Iraqi Shiite Cleric Issues Call to Arms Against Sunni Militants 12 nytimes
Police seek suspect in Arizona church attack 0 bbc
Father arrested in Gloucestershire on suspicion of murdering his baby son 0 independent
Gloucestershire child neglect couple not sentenced after overdosing 0 bbc