News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Fake England shirts seized in Wednesbury 0 bbc
Sexual violence: From conflict to conference 0 bbc
U.S. Said to Rebuff Iraqi Request to Strike Militants 6 nytimes
U.S. Said to Rebuff Iraqi Request to Strike Militants 6 nytimes
U.S. Said to Rebuff Iraqi Request to Strike Militants 6 nytimes
U.S. Said to Rebuff Iraqi Request to Strike Militants 6 nytimes
U.S. Said to Rebuff Iraqi Request to Strike Militants 6 nytimes
Lib Dem Andrew George tops private members' bill ballot 3 bbc
Lib Dem Andrew George tops private members' bill ballot 3 bbc
Lib Dem Andrew George tops private members' bill ballot 3 bbc
Slender Man stabbing: Accused Wisconsin girls to appear in court 2 independent
Slender Man stabbing: Accused Wisconsin girls to appear in court 1 independent
Slender Man stabbing: Accused Wisconsin girls to appear in court 1 independent
Slender Man stabbing: Accused Wisconsin girls to appear in court 1 independent
Slender Man stabbing: Accused Wisconsin girls to appear in court 1 independent
Food and drink industry to be boosted by action plan 1 bbc