News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UK armed forces to undergo further 1,060 job cuts 2 bbc
Singapore casino bans shark fin 0 bbc
What Sione 'from Tonga' thinks of Jonah from Tonga 0 guardian
Mali unrest: Chad peacekeepers killed in Kidal region 0 bbc
Safari park names baby elephant after Stephen Sutton 0 bbc
Mulberry targets lower-priced handbags as profits fall 0 bbc
What does 'Death Eaterish' mean? 0 bbc
Paul Weller and his wife to want child press protection 0 bbc
Jealous ex eats man's heart with a knife and fork 0 independent
Passport backlog: May announces emergency measures 3 bbc
Madeleine McCann latest: British police find 'no new evidence' but agree 'more activity' 1 independent
Fully secret terror trial blocked by Court of Appeal 3 bbc
Key elements of secret terror trial can be heard in public, court rules 1 guardian
How can militants take over Iraqi cities? 9 bbc
Tilehurst 1988 rape: Northampton man charged 0 bbc
Man arrested over Vauxhall 'ammonia' attack 0 bbc