News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Egypt’s Inaction on Sexual Attacks Stirs Fury 5 nytimes
Anzac reverence creates defences too strong for any ADF sex assault inquiry 0 guardian
Why Pyongyang's restaurant scene is thriving 0 guardian
Climate change gulf looms between Barack Obama and Tony Abbott 0 guardian
S Korea ferry police target Yoo Byung-eun in huge raid 0 bbc
Passport Office boss denies applications backlog 1 bbc
Sunni Militants Drive Iraqi Army Out of Mosul 12 nytimes
Afghan interpreters challenge MoD redundancy deal 0 bbc
Bosnia’s Cup Debut Turns Part of St. Louis Into Sarajevo West 3 nytimes
UN 'will mediate in China-Vietnam row' 0 bbc
A Fight as U.S. Girls Face Genital Cutting Abroad 0 nytimes
The evidence is clear: increasing the minimum wage doesn't cost jobs 0 guardian
David Brat's victory over Eric Cantor gives pause to Republican mainstream 0 guardian
Indigenous landowner claims she was threatened over Muckaty nuclear dump 0 guardian
David Beckham's MLS plan derailed as Miami mayor vetoes stadium site 0 guardian
'Disconnect' in parents' careers advice and jobs market 0 bbc