News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ted Baker thrives in Middle East 0 independent
Mainstream tries to get a grip on Vice 0 independent
James Moore: A regulator too far? Icap chooses to stand and fight EU over Libor 0 independent
Families being 'held to ransom' by fees for fast-tracked passport applications 0 independent
Paying £300,000 instead of £3,000, and other mix-ups 0 bbc
Scots businesses targeted by cyber crime gangs 0 bbc
Bank of England sends in hackers to test lenders’ defences 1 independent
Welfare sanctions system 'broken' says MSP report 0 bbc
GPs 'need more support' to treat mental health issues 0 bbc
Scottish attitudes to alcohol pricing split 0 bbc
The origins of Slender Man 0 bbc
Evernote struck by denial of service cyber-attack 0 bbc
US House majority leader Eric Cantor loses primary to Tea Party challenger 1 guardian
Eric Cantor loses Virginia Republican Party primary 1 bbc
Despite Clash in Ukraine, Cease-Fire Talks Advance 6 nytimes
An $18bn valuation for Uber taxi app looks absurd 1 guardian