News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Halal meat labelling plan rejected by MPs 0 bbc
The Loyal Bunch 1 nytimes
Rolf Harris sex trial: Alleged victim had ‘great day’ while on holiday with the entertainer and his family, her diary... 1 independent
Celtic Manor bosses say Nato benefits 'could be missed' 1 bbc
In thaw, Saudi extends invitation to Iran 4 washpo
Italy World Cup 2014 squad: Giorgio Chiellini in but Dani Osvaldo out 1 guardian
EU court says Google must delete 'irrelevant' links at the request of ordinary individuals 4 independent
Nick Clegg under pressure from Lib Dem activists to water down Coalition’s welfare reforms 0 independent
Uffizi Gallery to reopen Renaissance art rooms after €600,000 gift 1 guardian
Deadly Turkey blast 'traps hundreds' 4 bbc
Samit Patel's mastery of moving ball supplies early county highlight 1 guardian
What the Google ruling tells us about our digital delusion 0 guardian
Russia puts international space station on table over Ukraine sanctions 0 guardian
Iran cyberpolice blocked in bid to identify blogger 0 guardian
French photojournalist Camille Lepage killed in Central African Republic 0 guardian
Economic recovery was held back by changes to tax system, say thinktank 0 guardian