News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert given 6 years in prison for taking bribes 4 washpo
How much? Haunted island near Venice Lido sells for €513,000 2 guardian
Google Must Honor Requests to Delete Links, European Court Rules 9 nytimes
Deadly Turkey blast 'traps hundreds' 6 bbc
Giro d'Italia's Bari finish goes to Nacer Bouhanni in damp squib 2 guardian
Tim Sherwood was gloriously off-message and it created waves 1 guardian
Donald Macintyre's Sketch: When it comes to Big Pharma, money talks 1 independent
Car-bomb blasts kill 34 as Iraqis await vote count 0 washpo
Birth of a scandal blaming Hillary Clinton for Ni­ger­ian kidnappings 0 washpo
Cornwall coach crash: Two people dead and 48 injured 10 bbc
Scottish independence: what young Scots want 1 guardian
Mauricio Pochettino open to Spurs offer after Tim Sherwood sacking 4 guardian
Pfizer/AstraZeneca: prescription for failure 0 guardian
Police and press: writers blocked 0 guardian
Republicans revive bill to criminalise abortions administered after 20 weeks 0 guardian
Ex-Sgt Kyle White awarded US Medal of Honor 0 bbc