News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Hold the bubbly: How to have a wedding on a budget 1 bbc
James Garner obituary 1 guardian
Kerry Expresses Exasperation With Civilian Toll in Gaza 0 nytimes
In praise of… a dark and stormy night 0 guardian
The Guardian view on public services in a post-naval nation 0 guardian
The Guardian view on charges China is reneging on its Hong Kong promises 0 guardian
Both Sides Report Deadliest Day in Gaza War 7 nytimes
Shark chokes to death on sea lion in video footage captured by stunned beachgoers 1 independent
Ed Miliband hoping for Obama meeting 0 independent
T Bone Burnett: How I set lyrics for Bob Dylan's new Basement Tapes to music 0 guardian
What are you doing oxt weekend? 0 guardian
Gaza crisis: 13 Israeli soldiers and 87 Gazans killed 0 bbc
South Yorkshire guesthouse murder: police investigate suspect sightings 2 guardian
Gaza shelling by Israel leads to deadliest day of conflict 12 bbc
MH17 air crash: Recovered bodies put on train 11 bbc
Israel-Gaza conflict: Israeli military ‘using flechette rounds in Gaza Strip’ 0 independent