News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iran completes process of eliminating enriched uranium 0 bbc
Gunmen kill four and injure several others in revenge attack in Mombasa 0 guardian
Louis van Gaal’s Manchester United players must make most of US tour 0 guardian
Privatisation of student loan book to be scrapped 0 independent
Could motor racing return to Birmingham? 0 bbc
Shuttle diplomacy in climate countdown 0 bbc
Founder of Latin American engineering giant Odebrecht dies 0 bbc
Social media 'fuel rise in complaints against doctors' 0 bbc
In Gaza, Epithets Are Fired and Euphemisms Give Shelter 1 nytimes
Postcard from... Athens 0 independent
Chelsea set to re-sign Didier Drogba on one-year contract 1 guardian
Labour leaders win crucial policy forum vote on spending plans 1 guardian
Give Us a Bishop in High Heels 0 nytimes
Russia's Anti-West Isolationism 0 nytimes
Caring for Kenya's HIV orphans 0 bbc
Scots coffee 'stronger' than Italy and Spain 0 bbc