News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Israel Says Its Forces Did Not Kill Palestinians Sheltering at U.N. School 10 nytimes
Labor did not leak Age journalist's tape, says Victorian opposition leader 0 guardian
Israel Says Its Forces Did Not Kill Palestinians Sheltering at U.N. School 8 nytimes
Israel Says Its Forces Did Not Kill Palestinians Sheltering at U.N. School 14 nytimes
Troops Move on Crash Site in Ukraine, Foiling Deal 6 nytimes
A new Russian revolution: Cracks start to appear in Putin’s Kremlin power bloc 1 independent
Learning Personal Finance as a Life Skill 1 nytimes
Kerry Finds Even a Truce in Gaza Is Hard to Win 1 nytimes
Still Torn by Factional Fighting, Post-Revolt Libya Is Coming Undone 0 nytimes
Despite Gains, Hamas Sees a Fight for Its Existence and Presses Ahead 0 nytimes
A Dwindling Army Tempts New Recruits With a Charm Offensive 0 nytimes
Admission of Tax Fraud Precedes Talks in Catalonia 0 nytimes
Man dies, daughter injured after plane crash-lands on Florida beach 0 guardian
Small Data: Getting stuck on things or in things 0 bbc
Ed Miliband proposes 'public question time' for prime minister 2 guardian
New York Times says US must 'repeal prohibition' of federal marijuana ban 1 guardian