News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Gaza crisis: UN calls for immediate ceasefire 3 bbc
Exclusive: Scientists accuse government of dishonesty over GM babies in its regulation of new IVF technique 1 independent
Media worry over 'communal clashes' in northern India 0 bbc
The royal commission into trade unions is a political witch hunt 0 guardian
Eugene de Kock: Apartheid’s sadistic killer that his country cannot bring itself to forgive 1 independent
No place to hide for children of war in Gaza and Syria 1 bbc
50m patients will be 'turned away' from GP surgeries next year, new research claims 0 independent
First world war – a century on, time to hail the peacemakers 0 guardian
Tom's Fantastic Floating Home review – the inventor who does it the hard way 0 guardian
A new Russian revolution: The cracks are starting to appear in Putin’s Kremlin power bloc 2 independent
Indian nurses trapped in Libya want to return 0 bbc
Raymond McCartney says arson attack on Derry Sinn Fein office 0 bbc
Leader who united Germany's centre-left finds ‘Mutti’ Merkel a tougher prospect 1 independent
Fast-food workers step up fair pay protests 1 independent
Syrian jihadi video shows first American suicide bomber 1 independent
Gaza crisis: UN security council statement urges unconditional ceasefire 1 guardian