News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Arsenal cleared but Galatasaray fined over Champions League flares 0 guardian
Return of the pauper’s funeral 0 guardian
In Japan, two female ministers quit, dealing a blow to Abe and ‘womenomics’ 3 washpo
Accountancy body warns over new tax powers for Scotland 0 bbc
First Minister Peter Robinson meets Maíria Cahill over abuse cover-up claim 1 bbc
Premier League 2014-15: which new strikers are the best value for money? 2 guardian
Ched Evans faces uncertain future after serving rape sentence 2 guardian
Seven bodies linked to murder suspect found in Indiana 1 bbc
Islamic State: Turkey to let Iraq Kurds join Kobane fight 8 bbc
Enough with Ebola. In this Liberian city, it’s time to dance. 1 washpo
Internet service providers must help crack down on fake goods, high court rules 1 guardian
Benghazi suspect pleads not guilty to new murder charges 1 washpo
Thousands of federal workers on extended paid leave 0 washpo
W.H.O. Declares Nigeria Free of Ebola 0 nytimes
Where have all the working-class actors gone? 0 guardian
BBC News website launches Australia page 0 bbc