News Article Title Version Source Discovered
‘Russian’ vessel hunted by Swedes likely to be midget sub, say military experts 0 guardian
Dr Stella Ameyo Adadevoh: Ebola victim and everyday hero 0 guardian
Can a kiss on a bus count as public disorder? 0 guardian
Prison whistleblowers being threatened with dismissal 0 guardian
Bank of England payment system crashes 3 guardian
Robert Cerqua guilty of murdering twin Christopher 3 bbc
Housing First: the 'counterintuitive' method for solving urban homelessness 1 guardian
Sweden steps up 'mystery sub' hunt off Stockholm waters 3 bbc
In Japan, two female ministers quit, dealing a blow to Abe and ‘womenomics’ 0 washpo
Nazi suspects kept receiving US social security even after being forced to leave the country 0 independent
Stags left in tight spot as Blackpool plans to ban mankinis 0 independent
José Manuel Barroso: the ‘unelected bureaucrat’ telling Britain to shape up 1 guardian
Get Mike Read’s Ukip calypso song to number one, urges Nigel Farage 4 guardian
Police name sex offender suspected in 7 Indiana murders. More victims are possible. 3 washpo
ECB to spend €1 trillion on covered bonds to kickstart euro economy 1 guardian
Somerset and Gloucestershire badger cull pilots come to an end 2 bbc