News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Polygraph critic goes on trial as part of 'Operation Lie Busters' federal inquiry 0 guardian
Prince Charles's black spider memos to be published on Wednesday 0 guardian
Scotland 'will not consent' to Tory plans to scrap Human Rights Act 0 guardian
US Christians numbers 'decline sharply', poll finds 0 bbc
Special Branch ballistics unit investigated over weapons link to 60 murders 0 bbc
Douglas Carswell clashes with UKIP officials over money 0 bbc
Bird bath thief's apology note to 'devastated' owner 0 bbc
Ukip row: Nigel Farage and Douglas Carswell at loggerheads over whether to accept £650,000 in taxpayer funding 0 independent
Jindal, Railing Against "Hyphenated Americans," Used to Tout Indian-American Identity 0 theintercept
Tehran's notorious Evin prison may become park 0 bbc
US nurse Florence Rigney marks 90th birthday at work 0 bbc
Letter: Katy Jones helped expose brutal pindown regime at children’s homes 0 guardian
Senate Democrats ready to revolt over TPP 'fast track' authority 0 guardian
Marco Rubio may be the underdog in South Carolina – but he has some bite left 0 guardian
Why Tom Brady's Deflategate ban may well help the New England Patriots 0 guardian
Cameron appoints second gay-marriage opponent to Equalities Office 0 guardian