News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Doncaster man admits defrauding dying grandfather 0 bbc
Prince Charles's private letters published 0 bbc
Ukip admits internal row between Nigel Farage and Douglas Carswell is 'ongoing' 0 independent
Royal Navy warship HMS Bulwark rescues more than 400 migrants in the Mediterranean - video 0 independent
What is TTIP and why does Cameron want to sign the biggest trade agreement in history? 0 independent
Diane Abbott says she wants to be Mayor of London 0 independent
Human Rights Act: Gerry Adams criticises 'attack' on NI peace deal 0 bbc
Ukrainians petition Facebook against 'Russian trolls' 0 bbc
What now for Labour? Attack the Tories on austerity, then tackle electoral reform 0 guardian
In international aid, people should be seen as consumers not 'beneficiaries' 0 guardian
Oskar Gröning trial: British Auschwitz survivor takes the stand 0 guardian
The trouble with nudity in fashion 0 guardian
Publication of the Prince Charles 'black spider' letters: live 0 guardian
Isis deputy leader Abu Alaa Afri 'killed in Iraq air strike' officials claim 0 independent
University of Virginia dean files $7.5M defamation suit against Rolling Stone over rape story 0 independent
China imposes smartwatch and wearable tech army ban 0 bbc