News Article Title Version Source Discovered
David Cameron Seeks New Powers to Combat Extremism in Britain 0 nytimes
There’s so much to celebrate … and yet 0 guardian
Devolution and the shrinking of the state 0 guardian
England’s problem with being English 0 guardian
Trade deals threaten developing countries 0 guardian
US navy plans to offer women combat roles and extended maternity leave 0 guardian
Extra funds pledged to address apprentice equality 0 bbc
Ohio State University marching band instructor indicted on rape charges 0 independent
Tokyo bans drones in parks 0 bbc
Mobility scooter driven on M1 motorway in West Yorkshire 0 bbc
Prince Charles 'black spider' memos indicate Prince could have influenced government policy over alternative medicine 0 independent
Andy Burnham becomes third candidate to declare Labour leadership bid 0 independent
Prince Charles 'black spider' letters: Heir to the throne described opponents to badger cull as 'intellectually disho... 0 independent
Italian Nurse Who Worked in Sierra Leone Tests Positive for Ebola 0 nytimes
Unseen Henry Moore sculpture designs to be shown in London 0 guardian
Theresa May rebuked by European commission over criticism of refugee plan 0 guardian