News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Vatican recognises Palestine as state in treaty 0 independent
US-Gulf summit: Saudi King 'snubs' President Obama over his perceived inattention to the region 0 independent
Theresa May under fire after clashing with EU over plan to resettle African refugees 0 independent
What Do Prison Families Make of Hillary's Big Promises for Reform? 0 theintercept
Police shoot NYC hammer attack suspect 0 bbc
Congress votes to cut Amtrak's funding hours after fatal train crash 0 guardian
Tim Farron poised to launch bid for Lib Dem leadership 0 guardian
Prince warned Blair armed forces were in Iraq 'without necessary resources' 0 guardian
Gunmen storm Kabul guesthouse 0 guardian
The quiet revolution: why Britain has more gay MPs than anywhere else 0 guardian
Adiós Thomson: last call for holiday firm that took Britons to sun and sangria 0 guardian
Prince Charles 'black spider' letters: Political views from an apolitical figure 0 independent
The Interview: Obama hails move to screen North Korea film 3 bbc
Private Letters of Prince Charles Released After Long Court Battle 0 nytimes
Labour’s divide between aspiration and reality 0 guardian
Growing pains: how eurozone economies are faring 0 guardian