News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Peter Kennard: A very unofficial war artist 0 bbc
The country that blends endangered frogs 0 bbc
George Osborne outlines city devolution plan for England 0 bbc
George Osborne pledges 'radical devolution' for English cities in return for elected mayors 0 independent
Nigel Farage is 'snarling, thin-skinned and aggressive', claims Patrick O'Flynn 0 independent
Helping more Brazilian women feel beautiful 0 bbc
What do UK firms think about a possible 'Brexit'? 0 bbc
House prices pushed up by lack of supply, say surveyors 0 bbc
Late-term abortion ban passes in House after Republicans drop rape provisions 0 guardian
Number of houses coming on market smallest in nearly six years 0 guardian
Pay big pharma to solve antibiotics crisis, says UK government review 0 guardian
Older workers half as likely to take a sick day than young 0 independent
US train risks explained - in three charts 0 bbc
Hillary Clinton is running a question-free campaign so far 0 bbc
Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping Aim to Shelve Rifts Amid Economic Courtship 0 nytimes
Pacific and European trade deals may be back on track as US Senate votes again 0 guardian