News Article Title Version Source Discovered
U.S. Strikes in Tikrit Open New Front in Iraq 6 nytimes
Mother, daughter from Virginia on flight that crashed in French Alps 9 washpo
Saudi Arabia Begins Air Assault in Yemen 9 nytimes
Greece struggles to address its tax evasion problem 0 guardian
Google warns sex bloggers: clean up or get out 0 guardian
So most women don’t wash every day – what’s the big deal? 0 guardian
Alaska becomes third US state to legalise recreational marijuana use 0 guardian
Greens' Natalie Bennett suffers 'mind blank' during campaign launch 0 guardian
Nigel Slater’s baked cod with pumpkin seed recipe 0 guardian
Premier League clubs back in the black as TV cash rolls in 1 guardian
In 2016 campaign, the lament of the not quite rich enough 2 washpo
Literary lunch: Useful by Debra Oswald 0 guardian
Boys will be boys 0 guardian
Angus Campbell, Operation Sovereign Borders chief, to lead Australian army 0 guardian
After the onions, there's no longer any doubt. Tony Abbott is a 'loose unit' 0 guardian
CFMEU calls for mandatory drug testing on building sites to deal with ice scourge 0 guardian