News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Premier League clubs back in the black as TV cash rolls in 1 guardian
In 2016 campaign, the lament of the not quite rich enough 2 washpo
Literary lunch: Useful by Debra Oswald 0 guardian
Boys will be boys 0 guardian
Angus Campbell, Operation Sovereign Borders chief, to lead Australian army 0 guardian
After the onions, there's no longer any doubt. Tony Abbott is a 'loose unit' 0 guardian
CFMEU calls for mandatory drug testing on building sites to deal with ice scourge 0 guardian
Your right to know: surveillance, encryption and freedom of information laws 0 guardian
Loretta Lynch fumbled on HSBC years ago. Now she can prove no bank is too big to jail 0 guardian
Labour’s patronising Barbie bus isn’t a route to more female voters 0 guardian
Terror suspect arrested in Merseyside after series of raids 0 guardian
Will Smith: 'A thing got broken in my mind' following After Earth flop 0 guardian
Answering the biggest questions about Floyd Mayweather v Manny Pacquiao 0 guardian
Neill Blomkamp: my Alien film is ready to go 0 guardian
Aston Villa fans turn up the heat on defiant Paul Lambert after latest defeat 0 guardian
And the Meryl for best Oscar-nominated Meryl Streep performance goes to … 0 guardian