News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Barbecue is an American tradition – of enslaved Africans and Native Americans 0 guardian
Sorry - this page has been removed. 1 guardian
LGBT activists call for new focus on violence against transgender community 0 guardian
'We blame the sick for being expensive': the mother whose baby cost AOL $1m 0 guardian
British war hero honoured on South Korean stamp 1 bbc
NSA's Top Brazilian Political and Financial Targets Revealed by New WikiLeaks Disclosure 0 theintercept
Sorry - this page has been removed. 1 guardian
Yanis Varoufakis accuses creditors of terrorism ahead of Greek referendum 1 guardian
Woman narrowly escapes electrocution after falling under train during rush hour 0 independent
Dozens of Calais migrants try to storm Channel Tunnel 4 bbc
You can't ignore the Confederate flag. But you can burn it and then bury it 0 guardian
Greece debt crisis: Mass rival rallies over bailout vote 4 bbc
Industry 'must do more' to improve urinary catheters 1 bbc
Pitsea railway crossing stabbing: Two men arrested 0 bbc
Confederate flag: Bubba Watson to paint over Dukes of Hazzard car 0 bbc
Scotland weather: Country hit by second electrical storm 0 bbc