News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Katy Perry, the archbishop and the nuns who won’t budge: LA’s $15m property battle 0 guardian
Leave London? Never – I’ll be staying, and fighting for it 1 guardian
Tunisia shootings: Scottish victims released to families 0 bbc
NI motorcycle doctor John Hinds dies in Dublin accident 2 bbc
Lightning hits UK: In pictures 1 bbc
Sorry - this page has been removed. 1 guardian
The biggest first date turnoff has been revealed 1 independent
Scotland weather: Country hit by second electrical storm 2 bbc
U.N. Nuclear Chief Is Optimistic About Iranian Cooperation on Review 0 nytimes
Yanis Varoufakis accuses creditors of terrorism ahead of Greek referendum 3 guardian
Tunisia beach attack: Last five bodies returned to UK 4 bbc
Free marijuana for all: Oregonians exercise the right to Weed the People 1 guardian
Tunisia attack: Government declares state of emergency 0 independent
China share slump: Dealers to spend $20bn to halt slide 0 bbc
David Cameron unveils proposals to boost home ownership 2 bbc
Channel tunnel delays after points failure and migrants storm Calais 5 guardian