News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Moroccan women in Inezgane court over dress 1 bbc
Simon Danczuk steps back from campaigning against child abuse 1 guardian
This generation wants more everything, study finds 1 independent
Donald Trump to Jeb Bush: Your wife likes ‘Mexican illegals’ 1 independent
BBC to fund over-75s' TV licences 6 bbc
Police investigate report of shot being fired at Walter Reed military hospital 1 independent
Mixed feelings among Greek yes voters after referendum defeat 0 guardian
Isis propaganda video shows two Syrian activists being executed 0 independent
Gaza, a year on from Operation Protective Edge: The traumatised kibbutz on Israel's front line, still recovering from... 0 independent
Andy McSmith's Diary: A landmark EU ruling to end selfies? If only... 0 independent
BBC warns its services will suffer after agreeing to foot £650m bill for free TV licences 0 independent
Young walkers rescued in Mourne mountains 0 bbc
Hillsborough victim 'moaned in pain' on stretcher 0 bbc
Germany Maintains a Hard Line on Greece Debt After Vote 3 nytimes
Leaked Documents Show FBI, DEA and U.S. Army Buying Italian Spyware 1 theintercept
Hillary Clinton Suggested Lanny Davis Back-Channel to Honduras 1 theintercept