News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Early help for children cut by half, say charities 0 bbc
Cuts to the BBC would threaten the whole TV industry, says Pact chair 1 guardian
Global Poverty Drops Sharply, With China Making Big Strides, U.N. Report Says 0 nytimes
Greek ‘No’ May Have Its Roots in Heroic Myths and Real Resistance 0 nytimes
Dickens’ unwitting double entendres 1 guardian
Court documents open window into Bill Cosby's legal problems 0 guardian
Man sparks outrage after filming himself jumping into a random woman's car at a stoplight 0 independent
Operating a seven-day NHS – live chat 1 guardian
How to Undo the Damage in Greece 2 nytimes
How do London's young Muslims view the 7/7 attacks? 0 bbc
'Legal highs' linked to a number of prison deaths 0 bbc
Arms Embargo Takes on Larger Meaning as Iran Nuclear Talks Enter Endgame 2 nytimes
Karate Kid producer Jerry Weintraub dies aged 77 1 bbc
As Israelis Are Tried in a Palestinian’s Murder, Agonizing Intimacy in Court 0 nytimes
Sustainable development goals will be hard sell for United Nations 0 guardian
What impact would Grexit have on the UK? 3 bbc