News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Under-fire Australian PM to scrap parental leave scheme 0 bbc
Hard-line judge in Iran reportedly assigned case of jailed Post reporter Jason Rezaian 6 washpo
Tory plan to ring-fence schools budget will push cuts to other areas 0 independent
Oil-price drop starts to bite in Aberdeen housing market 0 independent
Cameron as caretaker Prime Minister? MPs press for ruling 0 independent
Hard-line judge in Iran reportedly assigned case of jailed Post reporter Jason Rezaian 2 washpo
Roadchef workers win 17-year battle for lost shares 3 bbc
Waste not, want not - making money from rubbish 0 bbc
Future airports could become hi-tech pleasure domes 0 bbc
Bronze sculptures 'may be by Michelangelo' 0 bbc
'Teenage drop-outs failed by poor careers advice' 0 bbc
Magna Cartas united at British Library to celebrate 800th anniversary 0 bbc
Cameron attacks school 'mediocrity' 0 bbc
After 17 years on Argentine bomb case, prosecutor was sure ‘truth will triumph’ 0 washpo
David Blanchflower: Young people are suffering from austerity in the UK as well as in Greece 0 independent
Protesters Once Again Fill Streets in Hong Kong 2 nytimes