News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Bailed-out banks set for windfalls as distressed debt markets recover 1 independent
'Handroid' breakthrough for injured marine Dominic Lovett 0 bbc
CRH leads FTSE 100 higher 0 bbc
Northern Ireland abortion laws case goes to High Court 1 bbc
China builds second aircraft carrier, but deletes news reports announcing it 1 washpo
Heavy snowfall forces school closures in Gwynedd 1 bbc
Scots climber Roger Cookson dies on Andes mountain 1 bbc
Raspberry Pi 2 unveiled with faster processor and more memory 1 bbc
Cameron attacks school 'mediocrity' 2 bbc
Super Bowl: The final four minutes, as it happened on Twitter 1 independent
Peter Greste 'will not rest' until colleagues freed 6 bbc
Magna Carta: What is it and why is it still important today? 0 independent
Frank Gehry's 'brown paper bag' opens in Sydney 0 bbc
Ebola crisis: First large-scale vaccine trials to begin 1 bbc
The palace of shame that makes China angry 0 bbc
In pictures: Sir Winston Churchill's funeral 50 years on 0 bbc