News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Three most expensive cities for US teachers are in California 2 guardian
The Unspoken Agenda at the Xi-Kim Meeting? Could Be Messaging Trump 1 nytimes
Brexit: Philip Hammond to warn war chest may disappear 1 bbc
A Trio of Unlikely Partners: Kim, Xi and Trump 1 nytimes
Alaska Teenager Plotted Best Friend’s Murder for $9 Million, Police Say 0 nytimes
In Citing Relationship With Segregationists, Joe Biden Makes Himself a Target 0 nytimes
Israeli Holocaust museum schools AOC on concentration camps after comparison to migrant facilities 0 rtcom
Young drinkers lead the trend for alcohol-free beer 0 bbc
America Has Tried Reparations Before. Here Is How It Went. 4 nytimes
America Has Tried Reparations Before. Here Is How It Went. 1 nytimes
Joe Biden under fire for segregationist senators remarks 2 bbc
E-Cigarette Exploded in a Teenager’s Mouth, Damaging His Jaw 1 nytimes
Harvey Weinstein: the women who have accused him 20 guardian
Alesha MacPhail: Pupils and teachers to remember murder victim 0 bbc
Was the Downing of Flight MH17 State-Sponsored Murder? 2 nytimes
Trump and Iran May Be on a Collision Course, and It Could Get Scarier 0 nytimes