News Article Title Version Source Discovered
In College Admissions Scandal, Prosecutors Say One Parent Stood Out 2 nytimes
Remembering Alice Mayhew, a Great Editor 0 nytimes
Iowa caucuses remain too close to call with 100% of precincts reporting 12 guardian
Trump 'not happy' with impeachment witness Vindman, hints at 'decisions' on his position – live 16 guardian
Live updates: Trump says the House should ‘expunge’ his impeachment 11 washpo
Farm Bailout Paid to Brazilian Meat Processor Angers Lawmakers 1 nytimes
The Age of Decadence 0 nytimes
Impeachment Witness Alexander Vindman Will Be Transferred From the White House 3 nytimes
In Trump’s Pentagon, Bringing Back Banned Weapons and Alienating Allies 0 nytimes
Terry DeCarlo, Gay Leader in the Wake of a Shooting, Dies at 57 0 nytimes
Coronavirus came from bats or possibly pangolins amid ‘acceleration’ of new zoonotic infections 2 washpo
Coronavirus: Next Britons flown from China to be taken to Milton Keynes 6 bbc
Why Democratic Women Wore White at State of the Union 3 nytimes
Joe Biden Shakes Up Campaign Leadership, Elevating Anita Dunn 1 nytimes
His master's voice? Jair Bolsonaro posts video of himself watching Trump rant 1 guardian
‘Should We Leave?’ Life in China Under Coronavirus Lockdown 0 nytimes