News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ford cutting 14,000 jobs in US 12 bbc
Doubts voiced over emergency pill 6 bbc
Noose tied on hijacked pensioner 2 bbc
Two-parent family 'best' - Labour 0 bbc
Noose tied on hijacked pensioner 1 bbc
Man in court over weapons seizure 1 bbc
Labour accused over hospital cuts 1 bbc
Ford cutting 14,000 jobs in US 11 bbc
Ford cutting 14,000 jobs in US 10 bbc
New 'babes in wood' case rejected 4 bbc
Out in the cold 8 bbc
Blair may not hang on, says Hoon 3 bbc
Ivorian protesters beat minister 4 bbc
MLA's expenses claim tops £18,000 0 bbc
Gun crime down says police chief 0 bbc
Rapist sentenced to 14 year term 0 bbc