News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Islamists deny Somali bomb claims 1 bbc
Islamists deny Somali bomb claims 0 bbc
Abortion pill could fight cancer 0 bbc
Philippine storm toll set to rise 6 bbc
New register drops 82,000 voters 2 bbc
Japan war orphans win legal fight 0 bbc
Clinton warns India over HIV/Aids 0 bbc
Soldiers test positive for drugs 0 bbc
Going nocturnal for the cricket 0 bbc
Songs, sketches and suffragettes 0 bbc
Police probe stab victim's death 0 bbc
Teaching scheme to be scrutinised 0 bbc
Wallwork hurt after bar stabbing 3 bbc
Wallwork hurt after bar stabbing 2 bbc
HIV 'afflicting global workforce' 3 bbc
Wallwork hurt after bar stabbing 1 bbc