News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ivorian military foils coup plot 1 bbc
Perthshire flood 'danger' warning 4 bbc
Curbishley named West Ham manager 11 bbc
UN body to probe abuses in Darfur 0 bbc
Hamas judge killed in Gaza Strip 4 bbc
Curbishley named West Ham manager 10 bbc
Deal reached on assembly budget 3 bbc
'Filthy' restaurant fined £18,000 0 bbc
UN to adopt disability convention 1 bbc
Ohio Democrat to seek presidency 2 bbc
Car bomb strikes eastern Baghdad 4 bbc
Row over Pinochet funeral speech 2 bbc
Tough new powers on child support 4 bbc
Landmark EU chemical law passed 4 bbc
Perthshire flood 'danger' warning 3 bbc
Cross border hunt for killer gang 0 bbc