News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Beckham 'seeking early Real exit' 3 bbc
Hanging of Saddam's aides filmed 5 bbc
UK serviceman dies in Afghanistan 0 bbc
Man killed in Tayside road crash 0 bbc
Tattoo ticket touts ban on eBay 0 bbc
Cash machine raid officer jailed 0 bbc
Rice makes bid for Mid-East peace 7 bbc
Hanging of Saddam's aides filmed 4 bbc
Why is too much water dangerous? 2 bbc
Why is too much water dangerous? 1 bbc
Missing trawler located on seabed 1 bbc
Guinea police clash with strikers 0 bbc
Diana inquest to sit with no jury 0 bbc
Hanging of Saddam's aides filmed 3 bbc
Family angry at 'bumbling' police 2 bbc
Data plan 'not like Big Brother' 1 bbc