News Article Title Version Source Discovered
South Africa memorial for Woolmer 4 bbc
'Freddy Krueger' attacker jailed 0 bbc
Tories play down northern hopes 0 bbc
What's the point of speed records? 5 bbc
'Drugs racket' found at old hotel 3 bbc
'Too soon to judge' UDA on crime 2 bbc
Bosnian Serb jailed for 15 years 3 bbc
What's the point of speed records? 4 bbc
Airlines warned over compensation 2 bbc
Iran 'to release British sailors' 4 bbc
Iran 'to release British sailors' 3 bbc
US Democrat Pelosi in Syria talks 8 bbc
Tamil Tigers' sea HQ 'destroyed' 3 bbc
Airlines warned over compensation 1 bbc
What's the point of speed records? 3 bbc
Fatal robbery footballer jailed 4 bbc