News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Life term for 'obsession' murder 1 bbc
Rail vandal jailed for 10 years 3 bbc
Inquiry to probe Virginia killing 3 bbc
Surge in British Gas complaints 6 bbc
Nigeria ballots 'not in country' 0 bbc
Virginia hero is buried in Israel 0 bbc
Reprimand for X Factor vote error 0 bbc
Dog-fighting arena owner jailed 0 bbc
Inventor proves TV Dragons wrong 0 bbc
Salmond aims high on growth rates 0 bbc
Brown on assembly election trail 0 bbc
Cameron slams 'personal attacks' 0 bbc
Parties tackle environment issues 0 bbc
MI5 deputy due to start top post 1 bbc
RAF jet crash at island airfield 4 bbc
Caught on camera 5 bbc