News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nigerian candidates reject poll 0 bbc
France opts for left-right battle 3 bbc
Call to license cigarette sales 0 bbc
Beyonce and Shakira top UK chart 0 bbc
France opts for left-right battle 2 bbc
Eight Ethiopian hostages released 0 bbc
Runners brave marathon heatwave 15 bbc
France opts for left-right battle 1 bbc
France opts for left-right battle 0 bbc
Salmon campaigner lands top award 0 bbc
Runners brave marathon heatwave 14 bbc
Runner's 10 marathons in 10 days 0 bbc
Man charged with woman's murder 0 bbc
Teams searching for boy find body 0 bbc
Family in Japan for Lucie verdict 0 bbc
House fire 'caused gas explosion' 3 bbc