News Article Title Version Source Discovered
US and Syria hold landmark talks 1 bbc
Foreign workers seized in Nigeria 7 bbc
US and Syria in high-level talks 0 bbc
Nasrallah voices Israel respect 0 bbc
French rivals dispute TV honours 5 bbc
Shoe boss ex-husband 'incapable' 1 bbc
Gypsies lose Olympic site battle 2 bbc
Footballing legends remember Ball 10 bbc
Footballing legends remember Ball 9 bbc
UK plotters 'wasted their lives' 0 bbc
Gypsies lose Olympic site battle 1 bbc
BBC scoops three Webby awards 3 bbc
Rallies held for BBC's Johnston 1 bbc
UVF calls end to terror campaign 4 bbc
When civil war spreads 2 bbc
Irish teen in court abortion plea 2 bbc