News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Daughter's letter to dying father 0 bbc
Strike over WH Smith post plan 0 bbc
Cliff jumper recovers in hospital 0 bbc
Nigerian outrage over nude video 0 bbc
Arctic sea ice set to hit new low 0 bbc
Amnesties herald partition week 0 bbc
Motorists warned of bad weather 1 bbc
Brazil Amazon destruction slows 0 bbc
'Glorious 13th' for grouse season 1 bbc
Warning for Heathrow protesters 20 bbc
Heathrow protesters target Airbus 3 bbc
Stargazers enjoy meteor spectacle 8 bbc
Motorists warned of bad weather 0 bbc
Ex-Met officer may run for mayor 1 bbc
Illegal poison kills golden eagle 1 bbc
Heathrow protesters target Airbus 0 bbc