News Article Title Version Source Discovered
National library building flooded 4 bbc
Petraeus buys time for Iraq strategy 0 bbc
New twist to Syria-Israel tension 0 bbc
Man returns home from Thai jail 2 bbc
National library building flooded 3 bbc
Legionnaires' holidaymaker dies 1 bbc
Author voices national park fears 0 bbc
'Worms' found in drinking water 2 bbc
Ugandan refugee camp to shut down 1 bbc
EU gives up on 'metric Britain' 5 bbc
Legionnaires' holidaymaker dies 0 bbc
US home woes 'near-perfect storm' 0 bbc
National library building flooded 2 bbc
Davidson walks after TV gay row 0 bbc
Back globalisation, unions urged 0 bbc
Rocket injures dozens in Israel 11 bbc