News Article Title Version Source Discovered
King gets backing over Rock moves 1 bbc
Two-man leadership fight for ANC 12 bbc
King gets backing over Rock moves 0 bbc
Israel strike kills Gaza radicals 0 bbc
Four girls 'critical' after fire 12 bbc
Trump inquiry could be ordered 0 bbc
Countess gives birth to baby boy 5 bbc
Tourist visa times 'to be halved' 3 bbc
Tourist visa times 'to be halved' 2 bbc
Basra end-story 'not written yet' 3 bbc
Four girls 'critical' after fire 11 bbc
Rome 'umbrella killer' sentenced 0 bbc
US warns Iran after fuel shipment 0 bbc
Illegal immigrant at Home Office 0 bbc
Countess gives birth to baby boy 4 bbc
Millions of L-driver details lost 11 bbc