News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Many who pay for sex have partner 1 bbc
Survey reveals teachers' concerns 2 bbc
Scandal-hit US lawmaker in rehab 1 bbc
Cameron facing tax cuts demands 8 bbc
Georgia releases Russian 'spies' 6 bbc
Dishing the dirt 6 bbc
Funeral for baby attacked by dogs 1 bbc
Pupils in hospital after bus trip 3 bbc
Iraq soldiers unlawfully killed 4 bbc
Tartan Army in venue ruling call 0 bbc
Fears over delay to flu vaccines 8 bbc
Zambian challenger admits defeat 2 bbc
Hungary PM calls confidence vote 2 bbc
Gambling firms see shares plunge 8 bbc
School standards 'to take decade' 4 bbc
South Korea unveils F1 race plans 0 bbc