News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Alarm over Afghan school places 0 bbc
Sperm-blocking contraceptive hope 0 bbc
Troops deploy around Chad capital 3 bbc
Tamil statehood 'is only option' 1 bbc
Israeli PM offers 'hand of peace' 8 bbc
Trio in clinic after spy's death 11 bbc
Iraq president begins Iran trip 1 bbc
Let us test Darwin, teacher says 3 bbc
Two men guilty of lawyer's murder 1 bbc
Two men guilty of lawyer's murder 0 bbc
Blood service strike moves closer 0 bbc
Polish opposition win in Warsaw 1 bbc
Ecuador leftist Correa leads vote 9 bbc
Cameron visits UK troops in Iraq 3 bbc
Girl stabbed while holding baby 1 bbc
Burma 'closes' Red Cross offices 1 bbc