News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sri Lankan MP killed in Colombo 1 bbc
MI5 tracking '30 UK terror plots' 11 bbc
US Democrats hail return to power 3 bbc
Saddam verdict timing 'suspect' 3 bbc
Iran warning over UN resolution 0 bbc
Councils face 'future cash woes' 0 bbc
Striking divers ballot result due 0 bbc
Poll shows extent of doctor abuse 0 bbc
DUP responds cautiously to plan 3 bbc
US Democrats hail return to power 2 bbc
US Democrats hail return to power 1 bbc
DUP responds cautiously to plan 2 bbc
Dismal England thrashed in opener 4 bbc
Motorway reopens after accident 2 bbc
Date for Stockline legal action 1 bbc
Man charged over Shirley killing 2 bbc