News Article Title Version Source Discovered
US votes in crucial mid-term poll 9 bbc
Al-Qaeda plotter jailed for life 13 bbc
Families lobby MPs on 'collusion' 2 bbc
Maoist 'intimidation' condemned 0 bbc
Hearts reject coach speculation 1 bbc
Reid orders bail hostels review 9 bbc
Farepak families fund is launched 13 bbc
Let's help to herd the dinosaurs 3 bbc
Muslim police officer suing Met 2 bbc
Al-Qaeda plotter jailed for life 12 bbc
Kriss jury 'sent home for night' 3 bbc
UK working time opt-out holds 2 bbc
US mid-terms at-a-glance: 7 November 2 bbc
Al-Qaeda plotter jailed for life 11 bbc
Call for curfew for young drivers 2 bbc
An inconvenient history 2 bbc