News Article Title Version Source Discovered
FA Cup fans 'looking for trouble' 2 bbc
Coin thrower injures cup official 6 bbc
Israel general quits over Lebanon 0 bbc
Duty-free to your door ruling due 1 bbc
FA Cup fans 'looking for trouble' 1 bbc
Yousuf ton puts Pakistan on top 3 bbc
Duty-free to your door ruling due 0 bbc
Ceremony pays tribute to war dead 3 bbc
Ceremony pays tribute to war dead 2 bbc
Policeman hurt in city shooting 2 bbc
River crash Pc in intensive care 1 bbc
Arab ministers discuss Gaza veto 1 bbc
City nightclub destroyed by fire 3 bbc
Public 'support longer copyright' 0 bbc
Terror 'priority' if Brown is PM 2 bbc
State side punish rusty England 5 bbc