News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Two men hurt in street shooting 0 bbc
Traffic ban to pack in shoppers 0 bbc
Murder inquiry into Paisley death 0 bbc
Protesters set up camp in Beirut 3 bbc
Bite kills Malaysia 'Snake King' 1 bbc
Record stand puts England on top 4 bbc
Fuel bills 'put elderly at risk' 4 bbc
McCartney vies for 'icon' title 0 bbc
Father challenges Misbah ruling 0 bbc
Birth weight link to suicide risk 1 bbc
Move to new planet, says Hawking 2 bbc
Cuba waits for Castro appearance 2 bbc
Birth weight link to suicide risk 0 bbc
Phone 'shocked' teenager to death 0 bbc
Hall of fame honour for presenter 0 bbc
Ugandan rebels pull out of talks 1 bbc