News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sri Lanka raid 'kills civilians' 3 bbc
Majority 'back selective schools' 1 bbc
Family devastated by girl's death 4 bbc
Ford funeral begins in Washington 10 bbc
Pompey will keep Kanu & Campbell 2 bbc
Europe to discuss Somali crisis 0 bbc
Ford funeral begins in Washington 9 bbc
Iraq investigates Saddam footage 5 bbc
Power cable kills university boss 6 bbc
Ethiopians to stay on in Somalia 9 bbc
Ford funeral begins in Washington 8 bbc
Vietnam restricts online gaming 0 bbc
Cartoon protester 'urged murder' 0 bbc
Predictions for 2007 1 bbc
Tourist 'was throttled with sari' 1 bbc
Iraq investigates Saddam footage 4 bbc