News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Oil prices rise after Opec summit 0 bbc
Challenges to Musharraf rejected 2 bbc
Police chief makes terror warning 4 bbc
Israel cabinet mulls 450 releases 0 bbc
Chad to tighten charity controls 0 bbc
South Sudan fears return to war 0 bbc
Ceremony for a martyred saint 2 bbc
Fears grow for Ukrainian miners 6 bbc
Secret lives of others 0 bbc
Rock offers 'undervalue the bank' 7 bbc
Rock offers 'undervalue the bank' 6 bbc
Fans see Scotland lose key game 1 bbc
Trump critics hold beach protest 1 bbc
Queen and Duke mark anniversary 2 bbc
Police chief makes terror warning 3 bbc
Tougher work tests for disabled 3 bbc