News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Leading IVF doctor investigated 4 bbc
Federer & Roddick into round two 7 bbc
Saddam Hussein's top aides hanged 10 bbc
Malaysia floods test aid efforts 2 bbc
Jailed ANC official to be freed 0 bbc
Millions bathe in India's Ganges 0 bbc
Severe storms hit southern Sweden 0 bbc
Vandals attack Churchill statue 0 bbc
Capello disappointed by Beckham 0 bbc
Gang blamed for six raids in hour 0 bbc
MoD names two dead British troops 9 bbc
Reid faces MPs over crime files 1 bbc
Sinn Fein sell PSNI to supporters 1 bbc
Malaysia floods test aid efforts 1 bbc
Rice and Olmert in Mid-East talks 2 bbc
Water leak at Japan nuclear plant 1 bbc