News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Mothers in 30s boost population 0 bbc
Warning on phone credit card scam 0 bbc
Funeral for fourth blaze fireman 3 bbc
Graffiti blitz leads to CCTV call 1 bbc
Freddie Mac sees $12bn credit hit 1 bbc
Playing the game 3 bbc
Dozens killed in Algeria bombings 16 bbc
MoD sued over security measures 0 bbc
Teachers defend Standard Grades 0 bbc
Syrian activists set to be freed 0 bbc
Kenyan pilot 'survived on leaves' 0 bbc
CIA man defends 'water-boarding' 2 bbc
ANC admits S Africa vote-buying 1 bbc
Dozens killed in Algeria bombings 15 bbc
Playing the game 2 bbc
CIA boss faces tape interrogation 2 bbc