News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Viacom will sue YouTube for $1bn 0 bbc
GNER franchise loss is defended 0 bbc
Scots nurses to get full pay rise 4 bbc
Tsvangirai in Zimbabwe hospital 1 bbc
Channel 4 admits new phone error 4 bbc
Man convicted of murdering family 1 bbc
Tsvangirai in Zimbabwe hospital 0 bbc
Britons seized in Ethiopia freed 0 bbc
Iran condemns Hollywood war epic 0 bbc
Jane Austen - why the fuss? 4 bbc
Cement slabs 'could have killed' 2 bbc
General angry at hospital critics 1 bbc
Bruised Tsvangirai before court 6 bbc
Bruised Tsvangirai before court 6 bbc
Study reveals US veterans' trauma 2 bbc
Scots nurses to get full pay rise 3 bbc